Flawless Gives the Top 4 Tips to Get More Promotional Model Bookings

1. Keep Profile Updated

The more recent photos you have, the better representation of yourself and work will be able to be seen by the clients. The more fun and versatile your profile, the more you will be able to stand out.

2.  Stay Consistent

We notice and appreciate the models that are always readily available and inquiring about work. Make sure you can make it for jobs when you say you will. Last minute cancellations only hurt your credibility.

3. Always Bring your A-Game

Make sure to always treat every job like it is your first. Your interactions at events will be more positive when you are more enthusiastic. Clients and guests will be happier and this will only make you look like you are doing your job right. When you slack off it creates the impression that you are uninterested in your work. Always be on time and show up ready to go!

4.  Provide Feedback 

We appreciate the models who let us know how the jobs they worked went. This keeps the line of communication open, allowing us to know what jobs to contact the model for in the future. This creates a happier agent and model relationship, so that both parties are aware of each others expectations.



Written by: Talissa Trachtenberg


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